I’m a praise and worship guy. Music is a big part of my spiritual life. Sometimes three songs and a sermon just doesn’t feel like enough. I need more time, deeper worship, a lingering intimacy with the Lord. It’s something that can’t be hurried. It requires a time when other concerns can be set aside and I can focus fully on God. This is where Night Praise comes in. In the evening in my recliner with a set of headphones I get to let the day go and just worship. The music is quieter, more acoustic. It invites worship and lifted hands. Tears may happen. All else is forgotten in the presence of the Lord.

I am always in search of new music and new worship leaders that address this quiter side of praise and worship. Having recently discovered Spotify I thought it might be nice to share some of the playlists I have made. Please feel free to save them if you like. I update these frequently and add new playlists.

(If you don’t have a Spotify account you may only be able to hear a short preview.)